Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Measured my weight yesterday.

Its 60.5 now! Still got chance to improve. Lets see....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just scribbling somthing

Its been long time since i had witten my last post. So just scribbling something to get myself on track again.

First of all to inform you that I could not achive my target of 55 Kg on my birthday. ( u cant imagine how sad am i feeling while telling you this ).

But after that I have become more concerned about this. And have changed few things in my daily routine. To mention few of them,

> I exercise for around 40 minutes daily. If I don't get that much time then I will do basic warming up exercises and few pushups atleast.
> I have become a vegan now. ( I already was vegitarian but now exculded milk products )
> added more fruits in daily diet.
and now have started filling more fresh and healthy than before. And i feel I have started losing some weight. But will measure the same after few days.
Lets see...

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