Sunday, June 1, 2008

Target for month of June.

Today is the 1st day of the month June.
Was just sitting and listning to Kishori taai's 'Sahela Re' and after listning the heavenly music for nearly 30 minutes, just a thought came in my mind. Today is 1st june. and after exactly one month from Today, will be my birthday! So let's have some goal set for this month. And immediately came into my sight was this big belly of mine that is one of the assets that I have gained during the 2 years of getting my first job! Earlier I used to weigh, between 52 to 54 Kgs. ( Yes I swear, it is true! ) and now to tell you it is 65 Kgs.

So here goes my aim for this month.... I am going to loose 10 Kgs this month. Sounds unrealistic huh? BUt it's the challenge that I am accepting. Exactly one month from now, I am going to gift myself the number 55Kg on my Birthday.

Don't forget to ask me on 1st July, was I successful.
So Bye from me for now. :)

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